Know the Father’s Agenda – One Thing I Seek

This week’s sharing is prepared by Sister Geni Guo.  You may have heard her translate during our weekly meetings.  We hope that her sharing will help stir in you a greater intercessory flow.

“…But only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” – Luke 10:42

Revolving around this year’s theme, “The Joy Set Before Christ”, we have shared many in-depth insights that the Holy Spirit has granted us, including “The Picture of the Bride and the Wife”, “Christ’s Kingdom Model is in the Family”, and “The Principle of Sacrifice and Father’s Capacity”. How can we turn these rich messages inspired by the Lord into our “bones” and “flesh”—making them part of our life and how can we live them out? This week, we will share about “Only One thing” (Lk 10:42), a fundamental practice to make these possible.

This “Only One Thing” speaks of sitting at the Lord’s feet listening to what He says(Lk 10:39). Why does Jesus tell us that this is the only thing that is needed? In the example shared last week, from John 5:19, we saw that the Lord only does what the Father is doing.  How do we follow His steps to understand God’ heart, intent, and priorities? It is through spending time with Him and living in His presence 24/7.

We highly recommend that all the 10500 soldiers would practice this One Thing daily. Since our days are typically filled with packed schedules and many responsibilities, it would be better to start by spending some time with the Lord. While this may not be a new idea to most of us, you probably have found out that it is actually quite difficult to do it on a consistent basis. There are many reasons why the practice of this spiritual discipline is necessary. For this week though, we would like to focus on three of them.

  1. To satisfy God’s longing for us to spend time with Him, to cultivate our relationship with our Bridegroom (Ge 3:8-9; 2:23; Ps 27:4);
  2. To experience restorations in our own lives and to fulfill our call as a restorer of families, fellowships, companies, and economies. Be restored to the likeness of God: characters & capabilities. (Ge 1:26; 2 Co 3:18; Ps 27:4; Mal 4:5-6; Mk 9:12a);
  3. To put on the full armor of God and receive strategies for Spiritual warfare (Eph 6: 10-18).

Market Place Prayer

We pray that all the 10,500 soldiers will set aside some time for daily encounter with God. Like  King David, they will serve God’s purpose in this generation through seeking God and doing God’s will in all that they do, and they will eventually receive the highest reward from the Lord, to be called someone after God’s own heart. (Acts 13:22, 36)

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